


Jerry Sandys

Jerry is an independent sales and business growth consultant.


My Work

My work is about helping business owners achieve their ambitions for their business and themselves. Specifically, I help to build, manage and motivate sales teams. It’s something I thoroughly enjoy.

I work with companies of many sizes from £250,000 turnover up to sales of ten million across a wide range of industries.

The detail of my work covers all aspects of sales but often initially involves ensuring that sales activity is coherent and appropriate. All businesses need to extract the maximum value from their existing customer base and can often increase the quality of their sales leads through better marketing. I often help with these aspects of sales strategy.

My work also encompasses sales training and helping to recruit sales staff. It sometimes also develops into mentoring and helping businesses owners with succession planning and exit strategies.

My background has always been in the world of business and I have started, grown and sold several companies of my own, one of which gained a listing in the Sunday Times Virgin Atlantic Fast Track 100. I also hold directorships in two other companies, sit on numerous advisory boards as well as delivering sales-related classes and lectures at Cranfield University.

It all keeps me very busy but if you think you might need my help to grow your business, do contact me. I’d be pleased to speak to you.


Cranfield University

Jerry's recognised successes in growing profitable businesses made him an excellent candidate to help deliver Cranfied University's business courses. Cranfield's School of Management is recognised globally as one of the elite business schools and is attended by business leaders from around the world.

The Cranfield University programmes that Jerry contributes to:

The Business Growth Programme (BGP):
The BGP helps owner-managers assess their own strategy and put a business growth programme in place. Jerry is a regular contributor to the Cranfield BGP, with particular focus on helping owner-managers develop and implement practical and proven sales strategies. Find out more here >>

The Masterclass Series - How To Grow Sales Profitably:
The importance of a well defined and well executed sales strategy is a priority for any business. Cranfield University delivers its Sales Masterclass throughout the year and Jerry leads the session guiding owner-managers and sales teams through real-life and proven sales strategies. Find out more here >>

The Bettany Centre - Venture Day:
Each year The Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurial Performance & Economics hosts the 'Cranfield Venture Day'. This is a one-day conference that allows attendees to explore what elements make up a high-performing venture. Jerry is a key speaker for the session, offering wider business advice and specific guides to planning and executing an exit strategy. Find out more here >>


If you would like to know more about Jerry and his work, please don't hesitate to contact Jerry directly.



Registered in England. No: 06363390
Sales Skill Ltd 2 Crumplins Business Court, Dunleys Hill, Odiham, Hampshire, RG29 1DU.